Card Stats
The Basics
Each card is distinguished by its unique combination of stats, dictating its performance during battle.
Levels and Stats Variation
Can a card exhibit different stats? Yes, depending on its level, which can range from 1 to 10. As the level increases, so do the stats, enhancing the card's effectiveness in battle.
Detailed Stats List
Speed affects the chance of hitting or missing the opponent. Special abilities, such as flying, grant additional dodge chances (flying adds 25%). The base dodge chance is 10%, with every point of speed difference adjusting the dodge chance by an additional 10%. This mechanic introduces strategic depth, encouraging calculated risks.
Melee attacks are usually frontal, but certain abilities allow attacks from different positions, enhancing tactical flexibility.
Ranged units can attack from behind the frontline, accumulating damage over time while remaining protected. This offers a strategic advantage for sustained offense.
Similar to ranged attacks, magic attacks bypass armor and directly target the enemy's health, offering a significant strategic edge.
Armor protects units from physical damage, except from magic attacks, enhancing their survivability.
Health indicates the maximum damage a unit can withstand before being defeated, essentially measuring its durability.